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Anchor 1
1. Foot drill and discipline
2. First aid, health and safety
3. Map Reading Lecture
4. Air-rifle marksmanship training
5. Orienteering Exercise/ Long March Exercise
6. Leadership training
地 點:香港少年領袖團萬宜訓練營室內射擊場(待定)
2.持有本團 十米氣槍射擊訓練班(中班)證書、射擊場助理資格 或 同等資歷;
3. 持有 (2) 所述資歷後,恆常參與射擊訓練;及
4. 對射擊場安全及氣槍操作有基本認識。制 服:團 Polo/中隊 T-shirt、黑色運動長褲及運動鞋。費 用:導師 – 待定學員 – 待定
Pending to update
Pending to update
7. Physical Training
8. Abseiling Exercise
9. Rifle Drill / Silent Drill Presentation
10. Obstacle Course
11. Canoe Training
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